


Every evening drink NO.16 ~今日も晩酌 その16~

“Sake tasting” is an important part of Japanese culture. Sake tasting involves choosing several kinds of sake that you want to drink and enjoy. Which sake would you like,a dry one or a sweet one? I definitely like dry sake(*´▽`*) But to t…

End of Summer

When you hear the word “summer”, what do you think of?I think of festivals.In my village, festivals are held every summer. festivals are called Matsuri in Japanese.What is our Matsuri?Our Matsuri involves dance including a lion's mask and …

Surprising at this sudden encounter ~この突然の出会いに驚く~

One night suddenly an owl appeared in the center of the road. It was strange.We stopped the car and approached it. It seemed weak. We thought leaving it on the road was dangerous. So we carried it carefully onto the grass.We couldn't do an…

Cats hell~猫地獄~

Actually I found the place which makes me very happy and pleasant in Nikko city.( ゚Д゚) What lovely cats!! How many cats were there? Maybe they will come this way? Mmm...NO...guess not.(ノД`)・゜・。 I hope I will try to stroke them next ti…

Truth is stranger than fiction!! ~事実は小説よりも奇なりってね!!~

The bell was rung at night and I opened the door. A lovely girl was standing there and she said “congratulations!! I'm so happy for you.” I don't know what happened.Why does she bring me a piece of shortcake? I said “What do you mean? ther…

Today is a special day. ~5月1日はゴイチの日!!~

Although today isn't my birthday, today is a special day for me. MAY 1st It means a special day.MAY is called 5月(gogatu) in Japan. “FIVE” is called 5(go) in Japan.“FIRST” is called 1st(ichi) in Japan. And my first name is GOICHI. So MAY …


Tourism monitor tours will be held in Kuriyama Nikko city in the Tochigi prefecture for foreign residents living in the prefecture. Click here for details↓ 【6/4(土)〜6/5(日)】栃木県在住外国人向けモニターツアー「NIKKO KURIYAMA HIKYO EX…

Did you know salamanders are edible? ~サンショウウオの踊り食い!!~

They look like lizards.However they are unrelated and smaller than lizards. I tried to eat an uncooked salamander yesterday. It was really squishy and had a disgusting smell. Salamanders have been long considered to help with one's health.…

Spring has just come in Kuriyama~栗山にも春が来たよ!

It has come late. Although the cherry trees have not been in full of blossom yet, a lot of flowers have begun to bloom. I like spring too, but summer is definitely the best season for me. I can't wait for summer. 栗山にも遅めの春がだんだん…

Kuriyama Soba

I'm sure that the soba in Kuriyama are the best in the world. So when I want to eat the soba, I'm sure to eat the Kuriyamasoba. In other words,I have never eaten other soba since I live in Kuriyama. But a lot of people don't know about the…

The cherry trees are in full blossom “桜が満開だぜ”

I started blogging in English. The cherry trees are in full blossom in Kinugawaonsen. Day before yesterday, I went to see the cherry blossoms which are lighted up. A lot of tourists had enjoyed the cherry blossoms at night. Some people wer…

fly high  9月集計

地域おこし協力隊は 自治体によりけりですが、基本就業時間短め、その分給料低めな就労体制です。 自分の時間には結構融通が利く方だと思ってます。 つまり、働きながら何か資格を取ったり、勉強をするには かなり有利な環境なんじゃないかな、と。 それにあ…

fly high  chapter 1

さて、 これなんだかわかります? ルーズリーフを無理やり方眼紙風にしました これに日々の勉強時間を書き込んでいこうと思います☆ 色々と勉強しなければいけないのですが、 どうにも達成感というか目に見えるものが欲しいので いつ、なんの勉強を、どれだけ…