


Cats hell~猫地獄~

Actually I found the place which makes me very happy and pleasant in Nikko city.( ゚Д゚) What lovely cats!! How many cats were there? Maybe they will come this way? Mmm...NO...guess not.(ノД`)・゜・。 I hope I will try to stroke them next ti…

Truth is stranger than fiction!! ~事実は小説よりも奇なりってね!!~

The bell was rung at night and I opened the door. A lovely girl was standing there and she said “congratulations!! I'm so happy for you.” I don't know what happened.Why does she bring me a piece of shortcake? I said “What do you mean? ther…

Today is a special day. ~5月1日はゴイチの日!!~

Although today isn't my birthday, today is a special day for me. MAY 1st It means a special day.MAY is called 5月(gogatu) in Japan. “FIVE” is called 5(go) in Japan.“FIRST” is called 1st(ichi) in Japan. And my first name is GOICHI. So MAY …